Sirkel: Overberg
Tak: Bredasdorp
Saamroeper: Chantelle Smith
Beriggewer: Letty-Ann Möller
Datum: 7 Mei 2024
“Arts & Crafts & Well-being” at Bredasdorp
VLV Bredasdorptak Dinsdagmiddag, 7 Mei 2024, ‘n Evaluasie van die taklede se siening oor die takbedrywighede in die vorm van vraelyste wat deur bestuurslid, Elsette Strachan uitgedeel is, wat deur lede voltooi is en konsolidering hiervan sal met Elsette, saamroeper van Leefstyl, met die Junie vergadering bespreek word. Daar is ook na ‘n insiggewende praatjie deur Eddie Blight (sien kort opsomming) en Marina Blight, plaaslike kunstenaar en eienaar van Grace Studio, gegee. Marina se uitstalling van haar nuutste projek behels 100 klein skilderytjies binne 100 dae (sien agtergrond van foto waarop die egpaar verskyn). Maar dit wat almal se lagspiere geprikkel het was Anne-Marie Burger se komiese voordrag van die eenbedryf waarmee sy die meeste punte in die tak verdien het…Die Vere maak die Voël.
Hier volg Eddie Blight, ‘Life Coach’ en Logoterapeut van Bredasdorp, se verkorte weergawe van sy praatjie oor kreatiwiteit en die effek daarvan op jou menswees.
Shorter version:
Eddie Blight delivered a talk at the Bredasdorp Branch, hosted by the art and creativity committee, introducing himself as someone dedicated to guiding others toward discovering
their meaning in life. His presentation centred on how the association enriches members’ lives by instilling meaning. This was his third appearance at our branch and he provided a
brief overview of Victor Frankl’s philosophy, emphasizing the pursuit of meaning, irrespective of circumstances, and the inherent choice to live meaningfully. Eddie also outlined
Frankl’s three overarching values: Creative, Experiential, and Attitudinal Values.
He provided three definitions of creativity, illustrating it as a spiritual element of human nature. Eddie emphasized that creativity is not solely teachable but an intrinsic aspect of
human spirituality, suggesting that engaging in creative endeavours enhances one’s connection to this dimension. He highlighted the reality that while everyone harbours creative potential,
some individuals possess a greater capacity for creativity, often accompanied by a degree of ‘suffering’. Eddie drew parallels to Vincent Van Gogh’s struggles, recommending reflection on
Don McLean’s song “Vincent” to acknowledge the artist’s anguish. He suggested that members of the association also encounter challenges in their creative pursuits, akin to suffering.
Transitioning to emotions, Eddie used a previous project of the association, the process of preserving peaches as an example, injecting humour while discussing the significance of
creative values. He emphasized the importance of belonging, underscoring the innate human longing for connection within communities. Eddie stressed the association’s role in
providing this sense of belonging, recognizing the diverse contributions of its members. He concluded by highlighting the benefits of attending association meetings, where
individuals experience a sense of connection and belonging.
Moving forward, Eddie explored positive emotions, particularly focusing on joy and tranquillity stemming from creative endeavours. He illustrated how successful outcomes evoke joy
and relief, fostering a sense of gratitude when shared with loved ones. Eddie emphasized the calmness that accompanies mastery of creative processes and the potential for passing on skills to others.
The central message reiterated the association’s commitment to aiding members in finding meaning in their lives. It offers platforms for exercising creative and experiential values,
fostering a sense of fulfilment through shared camaraderie, and promoting positive attitudes among its members.
Eddie Blight holds a Master’s Degree in Coaching and is a Diplomate in Meaning-Centred Living, Counselling and Psychotherapy
Sprekers Eddie en Marina Blight
Sprekers Elsette Strachan (links op foto) en Anne-Marie Burger wat die Woordkunsitem voorgedra het.
Populêre Bring-en-Vat Marktafel.
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