Sirkel: Noordoos-Kaap

91 ste Konferensie

Beriggewer: Antoinette van Pletzen

Datum: 11 Maart  2022

The theme for August 2022 – August 2023 is: The Challenge of Change / Die Uitdaging van Verandering. The project for this year is: Plant a tree for our Youth /  Plant ‘n boom vir ons Jeug.

North Eastern Cape held its 91st Conference on Saturday 11 March at Queenstown and it was attended by 51 members and guests. Queenstown Dutch Reformed Minister, Delmarie Viljoen, opened with a very touching message about Challenges. Then the International Prayer was read by Antoinette van Pletzen. After the Queenstown WAA Chairperson, Retha Peens, greeted the attendees and thanked her team, the Treasurer, Isabel du Toit, constituted the meeting, and the WAA song was sung.  The 3 Friendship Candles were lit for Circle NEC, for Queenstown branch and the 2 Cultures studied in NEC this year (i.e. Lapland and Africa Traditions), and the “Song of Peace” (Finlandia) was sung.  NEC Agriculture Convenor, Lenie Fourie handed a tree to a representative of the venue, Queenstown Dutch Reformed Church, on behalf of the Circle, as is custom every year at Conference.




Lenie Fourie oorhandig die boom namens Sirkel NOK aan die NG Kerk se Skriba, Marthie Hand.







Verskeie sprekers het interessante praatjies gelewer.

  1. Johan Barnes, Streeksorganiseerder van Solidariteit, het in Queenstown skoolgegaan, waarná hy ‘n B.Comm Menslike Hulpbronne, asook ‘n nagraadse diploma in Arbeidsreg aan UOVS verwerf het. In sy 3de jaar is hy, as 1 van 10 studente, gekies om ‘n paar weke Internskap by Solidariteit te doen – min wetende dat dit later sy permanente beroep sou word! Solidariteit beoog om te Beskerm (bv werknemers in hul werksplek), te Bemagtig (lede kry nodige opleiding), en te Bou (instellings soos Sol-Tech en Akademia). Instellings binne Solidariteit sluit in Helpende Hand op Nasionale, Provinsiale EN Takvlak (bv. Skooltassieprojekte, Hulp aan ouetehuise, Hulp aan gemeenskappe, ens); Afriforum – ‘n Burgerregte Organisasie met fokus op Veiligheid, Kulturele identiteit, Self-afhanklikheid, Geregtigheid, en Organisasie bou; Maroela Media (‘n onpartydige en selfstandige mediahuis wat betroubare, gebalanseerde en gehalte nuus deel – Dis tans die grootste Afrikaanse mediagemeenskap van alle mediaformate); Sol-Tech (‘n Ambagte Kollege in Pretoria); en Akademia Universiteit, in Centurion.  Johan het die verdere lidmaatskapvoordele genoem en ‘n Koelsakkie oorhandig aan die persoon wat kon sê dat Solidariteit al 129 jaar oud is! Hy het met ‘n musiekvideo “Ons sal self” afgesluit. 
  1. Mike Naidoo, chemist from Sterkstroom and previously Head of Pharmacology at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, holds several degrees including a Masters and a MBA. Mike spoke about general health and pleaded for a lifestyle change, rather than unnecessary medication. Sugar can also be addictive – without it you can feel sick and have a headache. Salt is public enemy nr 2! Try living without sugar and salt for a few days – even reading the ingredients on packets! Change the way you eat, and it will change your life. Change your lifestyle and the symptoms of menopause will tone down. Lots of water and regular walks are very important. Don’t involve yourself in negative things, e.g, stop watching TV news. Volunteer to help those less fortunate. Always carry Disprin (it’s anti-inflammatory) and an Asthma pump (for allergic reactions) in your handbag – it can save a life.

3. Margo Botha from Edblo in East London had a beautiful display in the foyer, as well as lots of lucky draw gifts! She spoke about the importance of a good sleep – and the Sealy Effect. It improves brain function & emotional wellbeing and causes a stronger immune system. Your heart is strengthened while you sleep.

  1. Megan Moorcroft, NEC Lifestyle Convenor from Sterkstroom, gave a very interesting talk on the evolution of Moorcroft Pottery – with beautiful examples. This fine art Pottery dates back to 1897 when William Moorcroft of England won a gold medal at the St Louis International Exhibition in Missouri, In 1927 the company became “Potters to H.M. The Queen”. To this day Moorcroft art pottery still has a reputation for both remarkable artistic and good investment qualities which have been proven over more than a century.         Design continued to evolve under the stewardship of Walter, as he developed his own style, and in the 1950s he introduced many exotic flowers into Moorcroft design.  A dramatic use of colour began to emerge from the    Moorcroft kilns after WWII, and coming as they did in the wake of the sombre mood of war, this was a welcome change.  It was in 1986 that Sally Tuffin took over design, and introduced animals, birds and geometric patterns into the vision of Moorcroft art.
  1. Adele Richardson from AR Training & Business Consulting spoke about Chat GPT – General Pre-trainer Transformer (Disrupter). Artificial Intelligence (AI) software has taken over the world by storm! It allows you to ask questions and it kicks out the answers. It can compose music, write essays and solve maths calculations. “Software” is anything you can download onto your phone, PC, etc. The software was released on 30 Nov 2022, and by 5 Dec had 1 million users, and over 100 million users by 23 Jan 2023! Many users are switching from Google to Chat GPT. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Chat GPT is inaccurate and bias. Many institutions of higher learning have banned the use of it. So BEWARE!
  2. Ds Dewald Davel van Molteno- en Sterkstroom NG-gemeentes het gepraat oor die Uitdaging van Verandering. Hy het in 2016 sy Doktorsgraad verwerf en is tans Ondervoorsitter van die Oos-Kaapse Sinode. Ds Dewald het ‘n Persoonlike Profieltoets laat doen waar elkeen ‘n vraelys moes invul en hy die antwoorde bespreek het. As jy jouself beter verstaan, kan jy verandering beter hanteer. Verandering is eintlik gladnie sleg nie. Ps 62 sê dat as die wêreld jou omkrap, jy by die Here moet gaan sit. Bly dan stil en HOOR wat Hy wil sê. Ex.20:2&3 sê dat God met ons op pad is …… na ‘n nuwe koninkryk.
  3. Emma Pietersen, van Molteno en NOK se Saamroeper van Openbare Sake het vertel van die Social Enterprise-kursus wat sy bygewoon het oor hoe om ‘n nuwe besigheid te begin en terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap in. In Bruin gemeenskape het hulle baie probleme met onbetrokke pa’s, asook mense wat die gemeenskap se kinders wil help, sonder om regtig die agtergronde te ken.

Antoinette van Pletzen, Jamestown en NOK se Opvoeding & Kultuur-saamroeper het inligting oor Afrika tradisies gedeel en Anna van Niekerk het vertel van haar toer na Lapland. Tradisionele Afrika-godsdienste verwys na die geloofsoortuigings van swart kulture in Suid-Afrika. Daar word ook na hierdie tipe gelowe verwys as stamgodsdienste. Die verhouding met die voorvadergeeste en ander geeste (goeie en bose), is baie belangrik. Sulke geeste bring gesondheid, voorspoed, geluk en moet tevrede gehou word deur offerandes en/of rituele. Daar moet veral gewaak word teen dinge wat hulle ongelukkig sal maak (die waak teen die doen van “sonde”). ’n Mens se gees sluit ná die dood by hierdie geeste aan. Tradisionele geneeskunde is ’n bedryf met meer as 1020 plante en 150 dierespesies wat vir tradisionele medisyne  gebruik word. Die meeste daarvan word op informele/straatmarkte verkoop. Behalwe vir die voorvaders is daar ook verskeie godsdienstige leiers binne die tradisionele Afrika geloof wat verantwoordelik is vir bepaalde pligte: a) Waarsêers (sangomas) of mediums bepaal die wil van die geeste deur visioene, drome of ander maniere. Die mens en het die verantwoordelikheid om die geeste tevrede te hou, wat hulle dan beskerm of as hulle ongehoorsaam is of bloot net ongelukkig is, hulle straf. b) Medisynemanne beklee hoë posisie: sekere voorwerpe (muti) het krag wat genesing gee, geluk bring of beskerming. c) Toordokters.  There are seven tribal traditions in the whole of Africa which makes the people of Africa so spellbindingly colourful.

  1. 1. The courtship dance of the Wodaabe

In the Wodaabe tribe of Niger, the courtship dance is an annual ritual and competition that sees young men dress up in elaborate ornamentation and traditional face paint. They gather in lines to dance and sing, to get the attention of one of the marriageable young women. In this particular tribe, the male beauty ideal is all about bright eyes and teeth, so men will often roll their eyes and bare their teeth to show off their sex appeal.

  1. The lip plates of the Mursi

In the Mursi tribe of Ethiopia it’s the norm for women to wear large pottery or wooden plates in their lower lips. When a Mursi girl reaches the age of 15, her lower lip is cut by her mother or another older woman in the settlement. The cut is held open by a wooden plug for about three months while it heals. Girls are never forced to have their lip pierced; but of course, 16 is the prime age for peer pressure no matter your culture, and this is often the reason girls opt for the lip plate.

  1. The bull jumping of the Hamar

Ethiopia’s Hamar tribe who respects and treasure their cattle, has a rather athletic initiation ritual. Bull jumping is a three-day rite of passage that all boys must partake in, and it’s extremely important for the dignity of both the initiate and his family. The initiate must walk over 15 castrated bulls that have been rubbed in dung to make their backs slippery (and the task that much tougher). If he fails, he’ll have to wait a whole year to try again. And if he succeeds? It means he’s ready to marry a girl of his parents’ choosing, and to raise his own children and cattle.

  1. The red ochre of the Himba

The women of this iconic Namibian tribe are known for their beautiful, red-tinged skin and hair. The reason for the rich colour? A homemade paste of butter, fat and red ochre. Girls in the tribe start using it as soon as they’re old enough to care for their own hygiene. It’s purely for aesthetic reasons – effectively a traditional make-up they apply every morning.

  1. The spitting of the Maasai

The Maasai people of Kenya and Northern Tanzania view spitting as a form of blessing and a sign of respect. Tribespeople use spitting to greet or say goodbye to friends, clinch a bargain or to wish someone good luck. Two friends greeting each other will spit in their palms before shaking hands. When a baby is born, family members will spit on the child to wish him or her a long life and good luck. Spitting is also customary on a daughter’s wedding day, where her father will spit on her forehead to wish her a blessed union.

  1. The healing dance of the San

Of all the tribal traditions, this one is arguably the most magical. For the San people of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Angola, dance is considered a sacred power. One of their most integral tribal traditions is the trance dance (also known as the healing dance). The whole community comes together around a fire for several hours or even an entire night, led by healers and elders. The healers dance around the fire, chant and hyperventilate until they induce a powerful trance-like state. In this state, they are granted access to the spirit world (and are often able to walk over fire). The San healers aren’t just doing this to cure physical illnesses in their community – they also attempt to expel what they call “star sickness”, a force that causes jealousy, anger and arguments.

  1. The wedding ceremony of the Ndebele

The Ndebele wedding ceremony is all about the bride. The groom’s mother creates a Jocolo for the bride – an apron made of goatskin and decorated with gorgeous, colourful beads. The Jocolo is worn by all married women at the wedding ceremony, and is representative of a mother surrounded by children. On their wedding day, the groom performs a ceremony in honour of his new wife, giving her thanks and credit for everything she’s done for him in their time together.



NOK vereer by elke jaarlikse konferensie 2 dankie-sê persone. Vanjaar was dit Sean Russell en Tokkie Deysel, beide  van Queenstown, wat elkeen ‘n oorkonde en geskenk ontvang het vir hul bydraes in die Gemeenskap van Queenstown. Tokkie is ook ‘n VLV-staatmaker. Sirkel NOK het ‘n 45 jr-toekenning oorhandig aan Anna van Niekerk van Dordrecht, asook 40 jr-knopies aan Helene Beukes en Elsabé Jonker, beide van Queenstown, en aan Irma Davel van Sterkstroom-tak. NOK se Mossie Grobler-beurs is vanjaar toegeken aan Hendré du Toit, Isabel du Toit van Lady Grey, se kleinseun.

Dankie persone: Tokkie Deysel & Sean Russell


Vanjaar word ook die volgende bestudeer: Tree of the Year:  Common tree = Olive Sagewood or False Olive / Buddleja Saligna (AFR:  Wit Olien); Rare tree = Tree Wisteria / Bolusanthus speciosus  (AFR: Vanwykshout). The Bird of the Year = Cape Parrot / Kaapse Papegaai (Poicephalus robustus). Elke afgevaardigde moes blikkieskos saambring wat deur Queenstown VLV aan ‘n verdienstelike instansie oorhandig sal word. Die Plakboeke oor Lapland en die Afrika Tradisies sal aan ‘n minderbevoorregte skool gegee word. Aanwesiges is genooi om lekker saam te dans op maat van die vrolike Macarena – onder leiding van Henna Botha en Felicia Miller van Lady Grey!

Die Sirkel se Finansiële Verslag is deur Sirkel-Tesourier Isabel du Toit voorgehou. Droëperskes word weer deur lede verkoop vir Sirkelfondse. Vanjaar se Kongres vind op 17 & 18 Aug 2023 in Hartenbos plaas. ‘n Aantal gelukkige trekkings is ook gedoen. Op Saterdag 20 Mei word ‘n Sirkeldag op Sterkstroom aangebied, waar lede wenke kan kry vir die nuwe kompetisies wat by volgende jaar se Konferensie ingehandig moet word. Die betrokke saamroepers het die kommentare van vanjaar se kompetisies-beoordelaars deurgegee; nl. Megan Moorcroft en Izak van Heerden van Sterkstroom (Leefstyl – Gebak, Gebottel en Naaldwerk); Marie Pretorius van Molteno (Blomme); Irma Davel van Sterkstroom-tak (Kunste en Handvlyt), en Lenie Fourie van Dordrecht (Landbou).

Die vlg persone en takke het vanjaar presteer :

KUNSTE:  Beeldhou – Bertha Rossouw (Dordrecht) & Irma Davel (Sterkstroom); Woordkuns – Ninke Venter (Dordrecht); Foto – Lollies Venter (Dordrecht) en Elize Cloete (Lady Grey); Handvlyt Dotart Hangertjie – Irma Davel; NOK Handvlyt Crochet Bowl – Irma Davel (Sterkstroom); Verf Hout- Huisies – Wanda Barnes; A4 Dotpaint – Megan Moorcroft (Sterkstroom); Inkleur  – Irma Davel (Sterkstroom);  Scrapbook (Kaartjies) –  Anna van Niekerk (Dordrecht); Rangskikking – Beginner = Helene Beukes (Queenstown) & Gevorderd = Retha Peens (Queenstown). Die Deurversiering-afdeling is ook deur Retha Peens (Queenstown) gewen.

LEEFSTYL: Masjienwerk – Megan Moorcroft (Sterkstroom); Breiwerk – Megan Moorcroft (Sterkstroom);  Hekelwerk – Tersia Cock (Lady Grey); Weefwerk – Lenie Fourie (Dordrecht); Wisselafdeling Drasak – Megan Moorcroft (Sterkstroom); Gebottel – R. Potgieter (Lady Grey); Gebak – Reinette Roodt (Queenstown); Lekkers – Loraine Molony; NOK Borduur – Irma Davel (Sterkstroom); NOK Brei – Anna van Niekerk (Dordrecht); NOK Hekel – Ansie Labuscagne (Dordrecht); NOK Masjienwerk – Megan Moorcroft (Sterkstroom).

LANDBOU: Landbou Potplant – Sterkstroom; Herwinning Voetstoel – Queenstown.

Wanda Barnes van Queenstown het die meeste inskrywings gehad. Die mees uitstaande artikels was Irma Davel se beeld (Kunste), Megan Moorcroft se Kinderrokkie (Leefstyl), Wanda Barnes se Herwinnings artikel Voetstoel, en Retha Peens se Blomme. Tak-Trofees is verower deur:  1. Dordrecht; 2. Queenstown; 3. Sterkstroom; en 4. Lady Grey.

 Isabel du Toit van Lady Grey-tak het die pryse oorhandig. Anna van Niekerk van Dordrecht het die Konferensie afgesluit met Job 31:4 en ‘n gebed. Daarna is die vaandels (VLVK en SA) deur verteenwoordigers van Queenstown en Lady Grey (2024 se venue) uitgeneem.


Sirkel NOK se Bestuur: Voor is Lenie Fourie van Dordrecht – Vise-President en Saamroeper Landbou; Irma Davel van Sterkstroom – Sirkelpresident en Saamroeper Kunste & Handvlyt; Antoinette van Pletzen van Dordrecht – Sekretaris en Saamroeper Opvoeding & Kultuur; en Isabel du Toit van Lady Grey – Tesourier. Agter staan: Megan Moorcroft van Sterkstroom – Saamroeper Leefstyl; Retha Peens van Queenstown – Blomme-Saamroeper; Adele Richardson van Sterkstroom – Hulp-sekretaresse; Wanda Barnes van Queenstown – Hulpsaamroeper Leefstyl; Henna Botha van Lady Grey – Saamroeper Gesondheid; en Emma Pietersen van Sterkstroom – Saamroeper Openbare Sake.

Die wentak, Dordrecht


                       Jaar-kentekens: Irma Davel, Elzabe & Helene Beukes (almal 40 jr), en Anna van Niekerk (45 jr) by Antoinette van Pletzen







