Sirkel: NOK

Tak: Sterkstroom

Studierigting: Opvoeding & Kultuur

Beriggewer: A van Pletzen

Datum: September 2022

Holiday Programme: Sterkstroom

The CWAA (Cape Women’s Agricultural Association  / “Vroue-Landbouvereniging van Kaapland”) presented a holiday programme for the September holidays at the library in Sterkstroom. The purpose of this programme was to keep our youth active and off the streets through uplifting activities.

The numbers who attended were between 60 and 105 kids from grade R to grade 7! The focus was on reading, physical sports and informing them about the morals and values of life, safety and keeping our town clean. According to our team this was a big success with the community, young people, WAA members and the library for supporting the programme in a positive way.

“Good habits formed at youth make all the difference” (Aristotle)


Hierdie dogtertjie het ‘n bal uit afval plastiek gemaak. Hulle het heerlik sokker en netbal   met die bal gespeel.

Hulle was mal oor die sakresies

Die groep byeen!

 Die groep!